IMDLBenCo is a modular deep learning toolkit designed for image manipulation detection and localization (IMDL) tasks based on the PyTorch framework. It can be used for:
- Reproducing state-of-the-art (SoTA) models in IMDL
- Creating your own IMDL models
- Comparing the performance of various visual backbones and IMDL feature extractors in bulk
Design Philosophy and Advantages
The design philosophy of IMDL-BenCo is to balance the customization needs of research code with the standardization requirements of deep learning frameworks, aiming to improve both experimental speed and code development efficiency.
Under this philosophy, IMDL-BenCo's framework has the following features and advantages:
- Easy to use:
- Unlike traditional frameworks (e.g., OpenMMLab and Detectron2), IMDL-BenCo does not rely on a registration mechanism.
- Facilitates IDE navigation to view class and function definitions without getting lost in the extensive documentation.
- Code style is highly similar to the native PyTorch framework, making it very easy for beginners in deep learning to start using it seamlessly.
- Unlike traditional frameworks (e.g., OpenMMLab and Detectron2), IMDL-BenCo does not rely on a registration mechanism.
- Fast:
- Based on CLI (Command Line Interface) code generation mechanism.
- Familiar with those who know CLI modes of web frontend frameworks like Vue, reducing time spent on framework code and focusing on model design and experimentation.
- Meets flexible customization needs, allowing direct modifications to the generated code without hacking the framework source code.
- GPU-accelerated evaluation metrics calculation, much faster than native methods of machine learning libraries like Sklearn.
- Advanced users can still use the registration mechanism for batch experiment management and efficiently conduct ablation studies.
- Based on CLI (Command Line Interface) code generation mechanism.
- Comprehensive:
- Integrated common tampering detection dataset download and management (TODO)
- Rich preprocessing algorithms, including various "Naive Transform" methods proposed by MVSS-Net, and support for custom preprocessing interfaces based on the Albumentations library.
- Multiple SoTA models integrated, ready for experimentation and testing.
- Various excellent backbones for visual tasks, such as ResNet, Swin, and SegFormer, are available for benchmarking experiments.
- Multiple tampering detection feature extractors, including Sobel and BayarConv.
- Can be tested with backbones.
- Can also be used independently of IMDL-BenCo by importing directly into other model code constructions.
- Multiple common tampering detection evaluation metrics integrated, including image-level and pixel-level F1, AUC, etc.
- Integrated visualization tools like Tensorboard, only the input of images and scalars into specified interfaces are required.
- Integrated complexity analysis (parameters, FLOPs), Grad-CAM, and other analysis tools for quick and easy completion of paper charts.
The IMDL task has long faced issues such as inconsistent preprocessing, inconsistent training datasets, inconsistent evaluation metrics, non-open source models, and non-open source training codes, seriously affecting the fair comparison between models.
Therefore, we hope to alleviate the code burden of open-source work through a standardized and unified code framework, encouraging more open-source work. Furthermore, we aim to correctly and accurately evaluate and compare the performance of existing models, promoting a healthier, fairer, and more sustainable development of the IMDL field.